Saturday 15 August 2015

Details of Rahu in Leo (Simh) and Ketu in Acquarius (Kumbh)

Rahu in Leo helps the native to realise his desires, which are of a lofty nature. He has a fine ambition; and even if he is not an artist, he is none the less a man of good taste, a lover of form and of everything that is fine and noble.
His fine imagination should enable him to discover or invent new, pleasing and attractive things, which will profit him. His enquiring mind makes him continually desire to know and learn everything new. This helps him to progress. Rahu in Leo enables the native to conquer the difficulties of life.
Ketu in Aquarius causes the native to be easily deceived. He is inclined to be indolent. He does not react, nor know how to act wisely; and this is detrimental to him. People should be kind, but they should know how to discriminate, and this is not the case with Ketu in Aquarius, as the native is too much inclined to listen to fine words. This position also indicates deceit over love matters; it is a sign of infidelity on the part of the native or his partner. It also upsets iether the mental or the physical balance.
Rahu in Leo gives executive ability and qualities of leadership. Needs to be independent to do a good job. Has nobility and pride. The virtue hidden in pride is self-respect. To this, Leo has the right. If self-respect is lacking, the individual would have the ability to cultivate it in this life.
Ketu in Aquarius shows the past habits have been to retreat from the world because of a snobbishness or distaste. Strong egocentric tendencies have to be overcome.
The Leo Rahu symbolizes a struggle with the will. In this incarnation, the individual is learning to develop strength within himself. Conditions force him to stand alone, very often with the absence of shoulders to lean on. He eventually learns that if his life is to be better it must be created by himself. But before he can build any such creations he must overcome his lackadaisical carefree attitude.
He still continues a past-life tendency to spend too much time feeling sorry for himself at his lack of friends when he feels they are needed most. Somehow in moments of stress, others always seem to be absent. Long periods of loneliness, isolation and in many cases a good part of the time spent as a hermit are not uncommon.
Ultimately, when the mind is made up, there is little that can sway this individual from his destiny. He must learn that his isolation is a self-imposed prerequisite for gathering strength. Very capable of strong leadership in this life, he must learn to overcome all doubts within the self.
The continuance of his past-life desires for friendships actually weaken him, as they do little to build his individual confidence. He must learn how to become more goal-oriented rather than following his accustomed tendency to dissipate his energies. The interesting thing is that while he continues to think he needs others to answer his questions, he rarely takes their advice.
The friends that he does have will be from all walks of life. In a sense, this increases his scope, for they bring to him now the awareness that he earned in former incarnations.
Once determination takes root, there is no stopping the path towards success, for he does not like to settle for second best. Much thought is given to the future. In fact, he is used to living there, until one day he makes the realization that ‘today is yesterday’s tomorrow’ and that nothing will exist in the future that is not created now!
He is not the easiest of people to understand, for he will do anything to retain and emphasize his own sense of individuality. In past incarnations, he developed a detachment from the majority of the world, allowing him to feel free to go his own way. Now he takes pride in being unique and different, caring not as much for the traditions of society as for whatever rules he has set up for himself.
His main difficulty in this life is a lack of control. Without discipline he can generate his power into useless projects, until he realizes that nobody will stand over him with a whip.
If he builds on past-life knowledge, he has a great ability to do something for the human race, for he is capable of depersonalizing his actions for the good of all mankind.
Many with these Nodes live a rags-to-riches life, the big change coming after the tendency to overlook is turned into an ability to oversee! Their greatest amazement occurs when they discover prior-life talents in themselves that they never thought they had.
Happiness is reached once principles to which to dedicate the life are found. Furthermore, these principles must be unshakable so that the individual feels he is creating something solid. He will then identify his life in terms of the size of the principles to which he has attached himself.
Disturbed by the scattered activities of others, which remind him of his own past incarnations, he feels the strong need to see life moving along a directed course towards a specified goal. Still, he wants to retain his complete independence. As a result, he finds it difficult to tolerate others cramping his style. When they do, they will find him constantly testing limits.
The Aquarius Ketu brings with it past life roots strongly embedded in the principles of fairness and equality. In the current life, the individual is given the opportunity to be on his own so that unhampered by others he may express his intrinsic beliefs. His job now is to show people as flamboyantly or as powerfully as he may choose the ways in which the world can overcome its burdens. His greatest achievements occur after he has surrendered his personal will to the service of humanity.
There is no question but that this is good leadership material so long as the ingrained past-life Aquarian sense of fairness is never violated. This individual is capable of making revolutionary changes in what was once established tradition. He is first, last and always amazed and fascinated by all the possibilities man can reach. At the same time, he is offended when he sees people pitying their self-imposed limitations, for well he knows the experience of pulling oneself up by one’s bootstraps.
He aspires to stand tall and not be ridiculed for those beliefs which he has struggled so hard to express.
While his capabilities for love run deep, the rest of him is not too far below the surface. The continuation of his past-life attractiosns to momentary fascinations keep throwing him off the track, making it difficult for him now to see the core of his true self clearly. And so, he must identify with his achievements as the only real barometer of his worth.
Though he may at times strongly wish to be alone, he could never live without people, for he thrives on their admiration of his achievements. He believes in firm justice, and yet he is quick to pardon once people have admitted they are wrong. He is never one to strike when a person is down. The sense of fair play has become such a part of his soul that although he feels he should be more competitive, it makes him uncomfortable to be part of any competition which involves foul play.
Things which wouldn’t have bothered him in past incarnations suddenly become important as he starts to dig into life rather than disassociate from it. Although it is his present life karma to apply his Uranian ingenuity through practical and traditional Leonian outlets, he still struggles to maintain his unique character.
Some with this position spend the later years of their life alone. Others who are married still hold onto such a strong streak of independence that they tend to keep other family members on the periphery of their circle.
The house position of the Ketu indicates the area where past-life needs for originality and freedom are still seeking expression.
The house position of the Rahu shows the area through which all the chart energy can be focused into a new shining creation of substantial size and worth, a gift of generosity to the world. Truly these are the Nodes of the ‘inventor’.
Previous incarnation for this person was spent in many unusual activities. He seldom had time to be individualistic. Most of the efforts were towards achieving things for others. In this time, he has decided to be substantially individualistic. Making his own name or getting the credit for his work is significant in this lifetime. Cultivation of personality, ego and general magnetism is noticed in this person. He will use his powers and connections to get where he wants to go in life. He may have to step on others; but he will look at that as a favor to them, and later on when he is up there, he will help those who indirectly were helpful to him. Strong self-conditioning and self-confidence is noticed in him in this life.
You need to learn to love deeply. Your Aquarius Ketu may reply: ‘Who: me? What do you mean? I love absolutely everybody. Except for my ex-best-friend and my ex-lover, and that snooty sales clerk who implied I had no taste....’
Your problems may include that you are looking for Utopia. Your ideals have frustrated your needs for love and companionship.
Possible reasons for these problems: You’re inclined to be lazy about developing your creativity, preferring to idealize others’ accomplishments at the expense of your own. You spend most of your tiem serving others’ causes at the expense of fulfilling your own goals. Traumatic experiences have caused you to retreat from the world to some extent. Ingrained stubbornness hinders the formation of relationships. A subconscious superiority complex.
Possible solutions: Get in touch with your need for dignity, and channel it properly. Discover and use your fertile imagination. Learn to lie skillfully. Have a lot of lovers. Devote yourself totally to a humanitarian organization, cause, or activity.
Rahu in Leo almost always has some degree of untapped creativity. Sometimes shyness keeps it untapped. The shyness is in itself a manifestation of the untapped Leo Rahu potentials, since Leo is the sign of confidnece. Ketu in Aquarius encourages the individual to lose himself or herself in a whirl of friendships and acquaintance-making, or in some vast utopian ideal. In either case, the motivation is to avoid having to come to terms with his or her own individuality. These people are seldom recognized as shy, because their shyness manifests on a personal rather than a public level.
Another manifestation of Leo Rahu - Aquarius Ketu imbalance is seen in the person who leaves more prosaic creativities untapped while he or she searches for that great talent that will make a contribution to the world. The Leo Rahur isn’t content to enjoy developing his or her creativity unless he or she can make a great artistic, dramatic or social contribution to posterity.
In my experience, people with an over-developed Aquarius Ketu are generally: kept busy dealing with other people’s problems; wanting to be in the spotlight, but they often wind their contributions get obscured; egotistical in an unusual way - they emphasize equality and refuse to acknowledge that some people have more potential than others: in other words, you can’t do any more than they can; intellectual at the expense of their emotions; spiteful; fond of shocking others; extremist in their work for change; contradictory, in that the brain doesn’t know what the heart wants; averse to traditional marriage - women are often militantly liberated to the point where they resent or dislike men in general; and inclined to believe everything you tell them about themselves as long as it’s flattering.
Rahu in Leo would like to be seen as someone with a tremendous amount of vitality. He or she wants to be known as someone who’s attained creative or business success. He or she may aspire to be a famous movie star or politician, or may want to be known for his or her lovely home or lavish parties. He or she wants to be respected and able to impress others. This person is social and capable of expressing emotion, albeit in a rather detached way. He or she may have some rather funny loyalties or a misconception of loyalty. this may serve to prevent success, as the person is inclined to be afraid that his success might inconvenience or be unfair to others. This preoccupation with the good of the group, as opposed to his or her own good, can lead to unpredictable behavior that brings more controversy than respect.
Antidotes for Leo imbalance: psychodrama or dramatization of the nodal dilemma can be helpful if the repression is severe. Interior decorating, set design, etc. can be excellent antidotes if there’s aptitude in these directions. Political involvement and involvement in community action programs are ideal for stimulating a sluggish node in this position. The client should be encouraged to accept leadership roles in any capacity for which he’s suited.
The client should be engaged in a ‘What would happen if...’ diaolgue in which he or she is asked to visualize the worst possible things that could result from developing the Rahu. You should then help the client deal with these fears. This technique works best with clients who are able to laugh at themselves, since it’s often necessary to point out the preposterous-ness of their fears.
You should make certain that the client hasn’t confused ambition with ruthlessness, since this seems to be a frequent misconception with both Aquarius Ketu and Rahu in the fifth house. It seems seems to be less common with Sun square nodes, et al., although it sometimes manifests here as well.
For personal growth, you need to determine clearly your life direction and then focus and apply willpower to achieve objectives. This can be a challenge, as you tend to dissipate energies in different directions, partly due to a lack of future planning. You need to realize that you shape future experiences through the consequences of thoughts, actions, values and attitudes. What you do today creates your tomorrow; and a favorable future depends on choices and decisions in the present. If choices are misguided, you will face the inevitable disappointing consequences later.
To achieve this new life direction, you have to become more individual, breaking free from the consensual social conditioning indicated by the Aquarius Ketu. This does not imply that you become eccentric or socially alienated, but rather that you become more self-reliant and independent, true to your own light and taking responsibility for your choices and life path. Positive gains from this can include self-confidence and self-understanding. Moving beyond unnecessary doubts, you can realize your potential once your life direction is determined and relatively few obstacles block your progress. Asking others for signposts may be unwise and weaken determination or send you in a wrong direction; unfolding this path from within becomes your source of guidance. Once this direction is clarified, meaning and purpose are discovered, and pursuing this task will engage your willpower.
Yet this is not a search for a self-centered path; it is one which combines independent self-expression with awareness of social relationship and interdependence. Your proposed growth should ideally benefit all, as well as yourself. Building a personal value structure is important, and you will try to stay true to those guiding life principles which provide a firm inner foundation.
Your new creative direction can be effectively released in the sphere of life indicated by the Rahu’s house; and as your new worldview develops, you may feel inspired to share your beliefs more widely. Your humanistic concerns will dampen as feelings of social responsibility and contribution expand. Your growing idealism and altruistic spirit will shine more clearly, reshaping life by your ideals, so that by pursuing your path, you also contribute to benefit others.
The main issue concerns individual and group growth, and may focus on social needs for fairness and equality. Once a direction is established, you may emerge as an inspirational leader, aiming to create constructive change within traditional social practices and thought. Such activity may prompt mixed reactions from others, especially as progressive attitudes may be ‘before their time’, and difficult to be integrated by contemporary society. But your independent spirit must be retained, so that your transformation and new socially creative expression indicates a way that society can also take. For yourself, purposefully direction energies in creative and productive ways will bring satisfaction. But you should never forget the existence and needs of others. Be true to them also, because, by your living your humanitarian ideals, your path is formed.
In the fixed sign Leo, we are concerned with gaining a secure position in life. Leo is also a Fire sign; and the Leo personality consumes for its own benefit the living space surrounding others. Leo wants to be a monarch, and to possess a realm of which it can be said: ‘Here I am at home, and here I will carry out my activities. This is my territory, and I will never surrender it’. Leo always keeps a firm grip on a personal world that represents security in the changing scenes of life; and, of course, people play a decisive part in these scenes.
With the Node in Leo, we should adopt a positive, well-defined attitude to our environment. We ought to make ourselves known, place ourselves in the center of our world, and learn to cope with it. Usually the world does not leave us alone but is continually provoking confrontations. Anyway, this position of the Node helps to correct our development, and brings us out into the open.
In charts indicating a certain hesitancy or nervousness over making one’s presence felt, a Node with this placement may help to overcome this tendency. The Node here encourages the individual to come out of his or her shell and be willing to take a few risks. Finally, this Node urges us to test ourselves in the world, and be willing to experience euphoric self-realization, and the suffering of reverses, along with everything that lies in between. As a Leo, we may seem to ourselves and others to be very much on the offensive all the time; in reality, however, we are very much on the defensive, for Leo is a fixed sign, and only the Fire in it produces the touch of aggression.

Details of Rahu in Cancer (Kark) and Ketu in Capricorn (Makar)

Rahu is favourably situated in the Moon’s domicile. It brings light in the darkness which may surround the native, helps him to see clearly into his affairs, and to act judiciously without hesitating. If inimical people (or events) encompass him, he will soon discover their weak point, and thus conquer them. The position is a lucky one. It gives the opportunity of extricating oneself from trouble and of overcoming difficulties through one’s own good management. It is a sure protection, and a promise of progress without strife or violence.
Ketu in Capricorn is a very evil position. It brings with it sorrow, and a tendency to neurasthenia, which it is difficult to overcome. It gives the native a character or disposition which is subject to constant changes; it is also a sign of disappointment in love through the native’s own fault, as he has not the gift of attracting love. It is not always detrimental to the worldly position, but the native will not know how to enjoy life; he is ever seeking trouble, and this does not help to create a cheerful atmosphere for those who come into contact with him.
Rahu in Cancer gives domesticity and a mothering nature. Integration comes through furthering these qualities. Great sensitivity toward the suffering of others. Homekeeping would be an integrating force in the life.
Ketu in Capricorn would show past habits of selfish ambition and a desire for power for self and to dominate over others. This tendency would have to be faced and overcome.
Here the soul enters the current life with much inner pride. The individual finds it difficult to understand why others do not show him the strong respect he has been accustomed to in past incarnations. As a result, prestige and the pursuit of dignity continue to be the motivators of all actions.
Some with these Nodes will even marry to achieve the social status of the subconscious Capricorn memory.
In past incarnations this soul worked hard for recognition. Without losing self-respect, he would have been the original ham, going far out of his way to attract attention. At times this would even mean imposing undue punishment upon himself if he knew others were observing. Now he would like the world to know how burdened he has been so that others can see him as a martyr.
He continues to make his work harder than it actually is, never seeming quite able to finish meeting his current life responsibilities and obligations.
Since he is always living in the past, he has a habit of bringing the consciousness of all his past burdens with him into the present. This makes his present life much heavier than it need be.
The one thing he has not yet learned to tolerate is failure in himself. He is well-practised at actually making himself physically or emotionally ill in order to avoid coping with situations in which he expects to feel inadequate.
He sees the world through an attitude of self-righteousness, whereby the actions of others are rarely condoned but often condemned. He keeps this to himself, however, for it would damage his sense of personal esteem should others know that he has been fitting them into his secretly devised caste system.
In prior lives he was highly opinionated and strongly resistant to taking advice that would affect him personally. Now he still believs that one’s personal life is strictly a private matter. Consequently, around all things which relate directly to himself, he builds the ‘Wall of China’. It would be futile for anyone to try ot break in, for at the slightest personal criticism, he starts adding more bricks to the wall.
Lifetimes of materialism make him an opportunist, placing himself wherever there is something to be gained. At the same time, he is ‘penny-wise and pound-foolish’, for he is known to be stingy in the midst of emotional bursts of extravagance.
When he sees advantage, he will turn cold and calculating so that no weakness within himself will prevent the attainment of a goal on which he has his sights. He will turn weakness in others to his own advantage. Wherever there are loopholes in the law, he can find ways to squeeze through. So intent is he on managing all he sees around him that his entire current life becomes a personal crusade to prove his worthy capabilities.
In past incarnations, his soul learned the art of accomplishment. In order to do this, there was little regard developed for others. Now through the Cancer Rahu, he must learn how to give nourishment as well as receive it. Many with these Nodes experience strong family burdens so that they may come to know the emotional needs of others.
Sexually, the soul is learning how to take on the feminine role in this life. The karmic transition is from coldness to warmth - from age to youth. Many with these Nodes appear to grow younger as each year in their lives passes.
Rigid Capricorn attitudes are dropped one by one. The indiviudal finds new security in relating his emotions more honestly. In this life, he must learn how to apologize sincerely when he is wrong, as well as not to seek advantage over others when he is right. Eventually he will see that all of his depressions, fears and worries are no more than part of a self-created martyr complex which bears little relation to current life circumstances.
He must slowly learn how to divorce himself from an insatiable need to manage everything around him.
In this life, he will go through a chain of experiences which will slowly open up his Cancerian sensitivities. Eventually, he will start to value nature more than money, emotion more than power, and new growth rather than the collecting of dead wood! When the changes start to occur, he will be brought out of the cold of winter into the bright sunlight of early summer. But he must develop a totally new emotional response pattern if he is to adjust to the new direction in which his soul is destined to go.
His highest achievement in this life is nourishing others. To reach this, he must do much work on himself, until he becomes a natural cornucopia of spiritual food to those who are hungry. The more he is able to fill people, the more happiness he will feel himself. He should see that God also favors those who stand out and wait, and that His highest blessing is especially reserved for those who seek nothing for themselves but to be available as His constant servant. In past lives, this soul was able to benefit greatly by receiving. Now, he is here to give.
The house which contians the Ketu shows the area in life in which the bowl of abundance is overfull. The house which contains the Rahu symbolizes the empty bowls of others waiting for food.
Previous incarnation for this person was spent in many difficult and confining situations. Life at that point really did not have sufficient domestication; or he lacked stability at home. in this lifetime, his ideals and energies converge to establish a solid home base. Enjoyment from being the key family person is significant for him in this life. The ability to deal with sensitivity and emotionalism is noticed. He has a lot of imagination that is properly used towards creativity. In his previous life, he did neglect responsibility of older folks. Now he is extra-cautious in this life not to do the same. Thus, family cohesion is important for him. He may show a colder exterior, but you can get to him through proper emotionalism.
You need to develop your domestic and nurturing abilities. Your Capricorn Ketu replies: ‘Yeah, but I can’t take time out from my career’.
Your problem is that you tend to try to fulfill your need for public acclaim without relating it to your inner needs.
Possible reasons for this problem include: that you have developed your logic at the expense of your emotions; that you lacked sympathy, nurturing or material security as a child, or had these things taken away from you at a crucial time in your life; that an ingrained philosophy of ‘look out for yourself first’ has encouraged a misguided sort of selfishness; that lack of recognition as a child has led to an ‘I’ll show them’ attitude’; or an overpowering need to dominate at all costs.
Possible solutions include learning to view your emotional needs as keys to increased self-esteem; learning to adapt your wants to your needs; having a nervous breakdown; developing an ulcer; and blaming your parents for your hang-ups.
Cancer Rahu seems to often coincide with institutionalization in childhood. Sometimes this means an orphanage or hospital has played a major role in the development. Other times it indicates a long stint in a boarding school. Sometimes there’s a very regimented home life for one reson or another. Or the parents have been cold and strict. Occasionally the Cancer Rahur has had uncaring or unfit parents, and consequently became a ward of the court. But more often the parents were merely more concerned with the Cancer Rahur as a status symbol than as an emotional being. Usually the parents were very judgmental and placed a heavy emphasis on doing the right thing in terms of living up to other people’s expectations. Thus the Cancer Rahur is conditioned to view the game of life materially. But regardless of his or her successes or failures, he or she often feels a great sense of something missing until the Cancer potential for emotional self-preservation and caring is tapped.
Signs of an over-developed Capricorn Ketu include: dislike of domesticity; a stubbornly narrow outlook; self-consciousness; prudishness; unapproachability; a tendency to constantly test others in some way; nervousness; dislike of new or different ideas; a desire for respect and honor at any cost; and a tendency to curry favors or social-climb.
Rahu in Cancer consciously or subconsciously feels that his or her strong emotions will act as a deterrent to his or her happiness, so a primary dream theme involves keeping emotions under control or else finding someone who will appreciate his or her emotionality so that it will no longer be a threat. He or she wants to be attached to someone else who will offer protection from the cold, cruel world and guarantee a measure of emotional security. This person generally represses emotions. He or she is often confused about his or her feelings and finds it difficult to relate to others an an emotional level. Sometimes the tendency to fear emotions comes out as a cynical or pessimistic streak designed to camouflage the person’s vulnerability.
Antidotes for Cancer imbalance: If career advice is sought, the client should be steered into a nurturing profession. Nursing, acting, dressmaking, pilot or stewardess, gynecology or child care would be logical choices if other areas of the chart are in agreement. Creativity should be channeled. Painting, interior decorating, weaving, and poetry-writing are particularly recommended. In cases where the Rahu has been repressed to the point of blockage, psychodrama could prove helpful. If the client has adequate understanding of astrology, a dramatization of the nodal dialogues (or the troublesome nodal configuration) could be beneficial, provided you feel comfortable about this technique yourself.
A thorough health check-up should be advised if the client complains of lethargy or any other physical symptoms, since health problems seem to be slightly more frequent than normal with these placings. Both reading and writing can be beneficial antidotes. The Cancer need to protect and nurture must be satisfied. Housekeeping can often prove to be an effective antidote, as can anything connected with land maintenance. History and genealogy often satisfy the Rahu’s need to preserve and protect. On another level, swimming, calisthenics, or yoga could appeal by giving the client a feeling of doing something beneficial in terms of self-preservation.
The more rigid Capricorn influence may shape your personality, especially expectations of respect from others which come from inwardly hidden feelings of self-importance and superiority. Your sense of identity is connected to social relationships, feelings of personal prestige, and attitudes and actions shaped by hopes of achieving higher social status - a need that may determine choices. Your acquaintances and relationships are similarly influenced by needs for social status.
It is the social ‘image and face’ that must be upheld. Any public loss of dignity or self-respect would be extremely traumatic. In several ways, you hide personal insecurity, relying on others to define your identity. This personality dependency is often fragile; and your self-image is shaped by reflections from others rather than from an inner strength. Remove the attention and respect of others, and you may rapidly deflate. You like to feel wanted and important, and may assumre responsibilities that are too great and then stagger under the weight of this self-imposed burden, becoming a martyr and expecting both admiration and sympathy from others.
You see failure as anathema, and hate to admit any personal shortcomings, as this diminishes self-respect. Intolerance of failure affects the rest of your attitudes; and your standards may lack an understanding of fallible human nature, even though you may not always attain those standards yourself.
You try to avoid situations where failure may occur or inadequacy may be exposed, even to the point of experiencing psychosomatic illness when inner stress and outer pressures accumulate. You prefer to control life and those around you; and this can cause family tension whenever it becomes oppressive.
Your worldview tends to be fixed and preconceived; you evalutate others through self-imposed filters of social opinion, attitudes, beliefs, values, and standards. Many fail to match your purist and self-righteous ideals, which perhaps secretly pleases and satisfies your superiority attitude.
The question is: Does this life perspective fulfill you? Or is it a struggle to maintain a protective barrier that supports a less self-assured personality? You dislike anyone probing your persona life beyond established boundaries, and become highly sensitive to any criticism, often withdrawing into your armored ‘shell’, evading open and honest confrontation. Do those barriers really help, or do they actually imprison you, restricting life enjoyment within rigid personality structures that you have raised?
The Cancer Rahu indicates a way out of the impasse. Attitudes of superiority always result in diminishing contact with life, restricting relationships and often ending in distorted self-images and exaggerated personal importance - the delusions of an inflated ego, especially if power over others has been achieved. These self-imposed barriers between yourself and others need relaxing. Learn how to give more; acknowledge the needs of others instead of just taking their approval and admiration.
The more emotionally sensitive aspects of your nature need fuller expression. Be more receptive, value relationship and communication, and feel compassionate to the struggles of humanity instead of ignoring this as weakness. Once you can accept and express emotions more easily and honestly, personal integration can occur, and the rigidity of misapplied Capricorn can dissolve. Admitting that even you can be wrong sometimes is progress. You need emotion to transform and heal; and life would then become more enriched and relaxed, free from needing to control, manage, and manipulate obsessively. If you can make this change, great benefits become available, and with them the opportunity for a more satisfying life.
Manifestation processes come to the fore again in the cardinal sign Cancer. In its manifestation, Cancer is oriented toward the collective as a whole. The native wants access to a home or ‘nest’. He or she needs to be part of a family, and hates to be alone. Group membership gives a sense of protection and warmth. If the Node is in Cancer, the individual should try to join in. Very often, a Node with this placement occurs in strong-minded individuals who are much inclined to do their own thing and withdraw from the crowd. In the extreme case, they live like hermits because they believe they are better or more exalted than others.
The Node in a collective sign indicates that one should become involved in a collective, in order to feel part of a family, group, local community, or nation, or the whole human race. The native could become the center of a hive perhaps. For his, a measure of industry and activity is required - as befits a cardinal sign. People with the Node in cancer cannot laze about and do nothing; they must become involved in the creation of a collective relationship for their own benefit, and preferably for the benefit of others also.
The easiest way for them to do this is to found a family. With the Node in Cancer, it is important to be able to achieve emotional harmony with those around. Any tendency toward solitude and isolation opposes this placement of the Node. The emotional experience of community and belonging has a big role to play here.

Details of Rahu in Gemini (Mithun) and Ketu in Sagittarius (Dhanu)

Rahu is in its exaltation in this sign, and is therefore very powerful. It indicates victory after much anxiety and trouble. It is a token of success, and luck which often comes only when everything seems lost. The friends who surround the native are reliable, and will help him to succeed. The native has a noble mind, which will always enable him to fight against the current; but Faith and Perseverance are also required. Courage is not wanting; and this position makes the native good and straightforward. He will know how to gain the sympathy of people who will help him: he may therefore look straight ahead, for Rahu in Gemini is always a sign of progress.
Ketu in Sagittarius robs the native of some of the quietude upon which he might otherwise count. Frequently over-confidence in himself will be detrimental, and cause him to undertake things before due considerations, so that when it is too late he might regret what he has done. Countless difficulties will arise, but he will conquer them through exertion and courage, and by clear-sightedness and caution, not always thinking that everything he does is right. Perfection does not exist in this world.
Rahu in Gemini increases versatility, adaptability and mental agility. Benefits through relatives and friends because of an optimistic viewpoint toward life. This kind of attitude should be cultivated in this life.
Ketu in Sagittarius gives poor judgment and adds to the restless and rash tendencies that keep the individual from accomplishment. Has to learn to concentrate and focus forces and not go dashing off looking for other fields to conquer. Conquering, like charity, begins where the person is placed.
Here the individual receives an initiation to join society. His soul has come into this life with a past incarnation of wildness. As a result, he is unaccustomed to appreciating the point of view of others. The karmic continuation of a strong self-righteous attitude makes it difficult for him to be a fair judge of his own actions. As such his life is excessive. He is still attracted to the natural existence without formalities, and will go far out of his way to avoid having any restrictions imposed on him.

He is used to being a free spirit, and desperately tries to retain his sense of liberty at all costs. Whether he is married or not, the soul memory of his bachelor-like attitude makes it impossible for others to get too close to him.
Believing that actions speak louder than words, he makes his present life a kaleidoscope of rushed activity. He always tries to do too many things at a time, spreading himself so thickly that he keeps losing sight of any central life theme.
In past incarnations, he functioned on great reservoirs of nervous energy. Yet, for all his activities, he has not yet learned how to focus his attention in any one area. In this life he is still seeking expediency and finding himself forever the victim of short cuts that have to be repeated.
Unaccustomed to all the demands of society, he tries to shirk responsibility. He feels that if he can just clear away all the business at hand as quickly as possible, he will then experience the freedom that society is trying to take away from him. And so, most of his time is spent trying to free himself. What he doesn’t realize is that each action creates an equal and opposite reaction. As a result, he is actually making himself more imprisoned than ever before.
Always his nature is somewhat primitive. If he is selfish, it is done innocently. If he steps on others’ toes, it is because he is unaware they are there. Always he seems to miss the obvious, blissfully ignorant of the immediate circumstances around him. When it comes to social graces, he is so inexperienced that he appears to be the proverbial ‘bull in the china shop’.
In the current life, he is learning how to mix with the society from which he is benefiting. Yet, still fearful of the reactions of people, he lives his life on the rim of the wheel, occasionally darting into the center of the hub only to run back out again.
His past life experiences with people were lacking in the areas of co-operation, sociability and tact. Now he is striving to reach sophistication. He doesn’t yet know how to see a clear reflection of himself, for he doesn’t understand that there are two sides to the same coin. Through his Gemini Rahu, he will now undergo experiences which will force him to see both sides of every issue.
In this life, he is destined to learn what the world looks like through the eyes of others. Before he can understand why people seem not to listen to him, he must first put himself in their place. Ultimately he will come to realize that all the negative qualities he has been attaching to others are things he does not understand in himself.
Sometimes he is a shouter in a library. No matter how sophisticated he pretends to be, he has so much past life residue of crudeness in him that it is bound to seep through at the most inopportune moments. This embarrasses him so much that he becomes determined to polish himself by paying attention to his mannerisms, habits and public behavior, and particularly his mode of speaking.
Through his Gemini Rahu, he will spend most of this life’s energy learning how to be adept at the art of communication. He now feels the need to educate himself, so that he can establish an identity in society.
At one time in the current life, he will be faced with the conflict of whether to live in the city (Gemini) or the country (Sagittarius). While is basic nature for so many lifetimes would feel more comfortable in a country setting, he can learn much by adapting himself to the new experience of coping with city life.
Through his Gemini Rahu, he must learn diplomatically to respect the rights of others if he is to help preserve a society which in prior lives he thought unimportant, but in this life is necessary for his very survival.
While his body cries out for sports, nature and the primitive live, his mind will eventually lead him toward a study of words and language and a reflection of his self-expression, so that he starts to become a more humanistic part of the culture in which he lives.
He is like the wild stallion desperately trying to fight being tamed, and yet wondering what the experience must be like. In the midst of this seeming paradox, he is a messenger of the lower and higher minds to all who come in contact with him. His past incarnations brought him to a natural understanding of the universe. Now his mission is not only for himself, but also to spread his understanding to the myriads of people that run through his life. Herein lies the mystical reason for his eternal restlessness. He has much to say and much ground to cover!
The house position of the Ketu shows the area in life where past incarnation residue still pulls him toward a desire to be a free spirit. The house position of the Gemini Rahu indicates the doorway through which he must walk in order to experience the advantages of the civilized humanistic culture he is destined to join.
Previous incarnation for this person was spent in various philosophical and mystical pursuits. A lot of freedom and independence was noticed in that life. Thus, this person has to learn to deal with people in this life. Isolation becomes a rare quality in life as he has to exchange his ideology with others and on a face-to-face basis. If he tries to isolate and withdraw from society, the circumstances force him to be with others. Considerable intellectual dissipation of knowledge is seen in this life; and communicative means are extremely significant for him. He seldom has a chance or opportunity to cultivate his emotional and material base. Thus, those elements are very significant in this life structure.
You need to share your awareness with others. Your Sagittarius Ketu replies ‘Yeah, but I don’t want to stick around explaining things. I can’t learn anything that way’.
Your problems are likely to include an obsession with learning but no interest in using your knowledge in any practical way. Difficulty establishing lasting relationships leads to over-valuation of books, classes and other intellectual activities that provide indirect communication.
Possible reasons for these problems include: that a need for long-term concentration on study or some sort of cultural, ethnic or religious difference has interfered with the formation of relationships; that a speech impediment has caused you to turn to books instead of people; that a literary career limits people contact; dependency on reading as an escape from a boring routine; that poor judgement about people has caused you to place your trust only in ‘proven’ sources of information; that a lack of concentration has led to communication problems and misunderstandings; or that you have a need to conquer ain ingrained feeling of stupidity or inferiority.
Possible solutions: Develop your latent communication skills. Channel your intellect instead of being a slave to it. Share your knowledge with othes to that they can learn. Become a professional trivia expert, a con artist, or a perpetual student.
Gemini Rahu can be a good talker, but he or she is often a poor communicator. He or she is good at tossing out facts, lecturing, impressing others with long streams of beautiful words or technical jargon, and so on. But he or she quite often talks at others rather than with them. The Gemini Rahu tends to quote books verbatim, drop names, quibble over semantics. He or she talks skillfully about facts and theories, but generally is at a loss when it comes to applying them or sharing his or her feelings about them. In fact, this person generally avoids sharing any facet of his or her personality beyond the intellectual side. This is a shame since Rahu in Gemini invariably holds great potential for perception. Development of this potential brings a deepening of the intellect so that ideas can be used for the practical betterment of his day-to-day relationships and living conditions.
Signs of an over-developed Sagittarius Ketu are: a tendency to flirt, flatter and charm but reveal nothing; an expectations that others will hinder his or her freedom; a tendency to ridicule others; being generally on his or her way somewhere - ‘only having a minute’; a first instinct to take off when pressured; a tendency to promise more than he or she can deliver; a distrust of security and routine; being accused by others of being unreliable. but feeling that it’s others who are unreliable; enormous faith in the published word; and being uncormfortable with peers in general.
Rahu in Gemini dreams of a life of variety. He or she wants to be seen as adaptable and a good conversationalist. He or she also wants to be thought of as an educated person. In reality, this is a person who transmutes emotions into interests. He or she is interested in spirituality, education, travel, and similar Sagittarius-ruled things, but in a passive, abstract way rather than in terms of experiencing and enriching the life. He or she may mix well with others, but only as long as he or she can assume the role of teacher. Thie teaching isn’t necessarily a formal or professional role, but it permeates most interactions just the same; and in the course of assuming this role, much of Rahu in Gemini’s enthusiasm for life is misused or wasted. Extremism of some sort may also mar conversational skills.
Antidotes for Gemini imbalance: The client should be encouraged to keep a diary. If the client has knowledge to share, he or she should be encouraged to do so through teaching, writing, correspondence, or whatever way is most convenient. Travel in moderation often proves beneficial. Involvement in civil rights or community improvement causes can be helpful. The imagination should be tapped so that creativity can be developed and put to use in strategy - planning, writing, photography, or some other area according to the chart. If hte client is amenable to a career change or program of career training, there are many obvious choices that would encourage development of the Rahu. Among these are: journalism, newspaper work, radio work, television work, fiction writing, Air Force careers, electrical work, reporting, and linguistics. Dancing could be a possibility, although unless the client is very young this would probably be better as a hobby choice that as a career choice.
The client should be encouraged to steer clear of tiring or repetitive routines that don’t provide opportunities to develop adaptability. At the same time, he must be discouraged from the ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’ syndrome. If there are signs of being a perpetual student, the client should be encouraged to start doing something with his present store of knowledge before trying to attain more.
Hobbies should stress physical agility and manual dexterity. Origami, mobile-making, collage-making and the like are recommended. For the more active, fencing, tennis, golf, and dancing are good choices.
Your main motivations will include the search for freedom and a need for knowledgeable, self-understanding, meaning, and purpose. You may feel uncomfortable within society, as your urge for freedom is so powerful that you react strongly against attempts to restrict you; much of your energy is devoted to retaining independence, especially whenever you feel threatened. This can create problems concerning issues of commitment or relationship, and this should be admitted to anyone becoming intimately involved with you. You may justify your evasive action by self-righteous attitudes, but this can become destructive to relationships unless you choose to co-operate with others.
This pattern of selfish innocence needs modification. You may become aware that tendencies which you dislike in others actually reflect behavior patterns within you which are not accepted or understood. Self-inquiry is necessary, as asserting your freedom can perhaps only be gained at the expense of another’s freedom, resulting in future restrictions for them. Is this what you want? And does this deny the right to freedom for others. Perhaps re-evaluating how your actions affect others is required.
A clear life direction and committed application will help, as, by diversifying interests, you may eventually realize that you often fail to complete them or satisfy a standard of competence or quality. Tending to rush completion of projects in order to feel free again may prevent a satisfactory end-product.
A lesson you may need to learn is that, by searching for freedom, you actually create an opposite reaction, resulting in less freedom and fewer choices. Look at your life; see if this has occurred, and note if results have been contrary to your intention.

By developing your mind, you can cause a deeper freedom to emerge through study and knowledge, more understanding, and the formation of a life philosophy and purpose. The Sagittarian freedom impulse needs redirection toward a mental search. This may happen later in life if earlier education was inadequate to your adult needs. As this energy movement internalizes, you may develop an appreciation for world culture, knowledge, and language. The issue will then be: How can this accumulated information be used and applied in daily life?
Integrating this into a personal belief system is another step, where you sense meaning and purpose when these beliefs are tested in the fires of experience. Vision generates direction and can help unify your personality, both fulfilling Sagittarian needs and focusing the Gemini juggling of facts and information. Mental stimulation will become more important, as will learning and communicating your discoveries.
Through such changes, new types of social relationships form, in which your interaction is more purposeful and less self-centered and evasive. Taking a higher perspective on yourself and life will transform attitudes; and relationships can become easier and less stressful. Freedom is the goal for everyone - freedom to be oneself; do not deny your impulse toward this state, but consciously moderate it by insight, so that positive results occur for all concerned. Your challenge is to be both socially constructive and individually free.
Aries expends its energies on the world as a matter of course, without considering whether they are wanted or not. Taurus uses its energies economically and to best advantge, but is still extravagant in the sense that the world is not given the choice of rejecting what is being offered.
On the other hand, the mutable Air sign, Gemini, is very intent on interacting with the environment. This interaction is important for Gemini, which needs to give and take, and is happy only when conveying ideas and forming relationships.
Gemini natives are invariably caught up in what is going on around them; there is a continual enegy exchange between them and the world. With the Node in Gemini, we have to pass on our gains. Our relationships are a network through which we receive what we want to know and give back what we have learned.
This is the basic characteristic of Gemini. Connections have to be made and maintained to allow a continual energy flow back and forth. Such activities are a constant preoccupation. Gemini is typically mutable, and is happy to share its knowledge and know-how; at the same time, it is eager to take advantage of what the world knows, has, and is able to do.
Thus, the Gemini Node can show there is much of immediate value for us to learn from those around us. This means keeping in touch with the world physically, mentally, and spiritually, in a lively but intelligent way. It means that we do not avoid people, but try to have permanent points of contact with them.

Details of Rahu in Taurus (Vrishabh) and Ketu in Scorpio (Vrishchik)

Rahu in Taurus brings great pleasure in regard to the affections; the native loves more with his heart and mind than his senses, and this may cause him to worry needlessly, as the position denotes a certain amount of jealousy which, though not exhibited outwardly, nevertheless causes suffering. It is also a sign of hesitation in most matters, which is a mistake on the part of the native, inasmuch as this position should encourage him to act, and to look forward confidently to the future, and above all not to engage in wrong thinking, to which his natural disposition inclines him. Things on the whole cannot go otherwise than well, but the native must be prepared to help himself and to abandon pessimism. In the third decanate of Taurus it signifies a journey connected with business, or else a plan which will turn out fortunately.
Ketu in Scorpio is very evil. It often denotes lack of moral and physical courage, which induces the native to seek more or less questionable methods of succeeding, apart from steady exertion; but they will only be trifling methods, and the results will not fulfil his desires. This position is also harmful for the health. There are evident signs of lymphatism. Danger of pecuniary loss through theft is also shown.
Rahu in Taurus gives resourcefulness and the ability to be very practical in the approach to material world. Attracts possessions and those who want to be possessed. Must help others to be independent by refusing them the luxury of being dependent. Crutches, if used too long, even psychological crutches, can keep the individual from developing strength.
Ketu in Scorpio implies that the downward path has been trodden in the past and this must be redeemed through overcoming resentment and not using force to compel. Lust and greed must become love, and the giving spirit must overcome the grabbing tendency.
Here the soul is confonted with some of the most difficult karmic lessons in the zodiac. Past lives have been strewn with endings as the Plutonian force of Scorpio worked through its process of transformation.
Now the individual is so frightened by the memory of having the rug completely pulled out from under his feet that he develops a defensive attitude toward all who offer him regenerative advice. In past incarnations he literally went through the fires of hell to burn away his false values. Now, instead of falling back on the remains of Scorpio still within him, he must build through Taurus a new set of substantial values by which to live.
Most of the conditions in this life are still controlled from his subconscious level, buried deeply below the scrutinizing eyes of society. He may appear jovial and friendly, while he is in fact planning some mysterious adventure of intrigue inside.
The chart must be studied carefully to see just how far the soul has come out of Scorpio before an accurate interpretation can be given. For those already closer to Taurus, the violent churning of Scorpio is purposefully avoided at all costs. For those just barely out of Scorpio, the internal revolutions are still going on. Planets conjunct either Node will pull the individual toward that Node and literally force him to live through it in the current life.
For all with these Nodes, the past residue of revolution is of such powerful intensity that there is bound to be some after-effect spilling over into their present-life relationships with family members and close loved ones.
Each day seems to be filled with new emergencies, until one crisis built upon another creates such a turmoil of conflict that the individual is reduced to his most very basic struggle for survival. He doesn’t yet know the art of moderation or how to take things at face value, for he still believes that others always have an ulterior motive. Inside he feels that he must constantly escape from punishment; and in his escapes he leaves behind him a tornado-like shambles of all he once held dear. At times he sees others turning on him; but rarely does he stop long enough to understand that he is the cause. Whether he is still acting out his past incarnations in Scorpio or advancing through Taurus, his fixed stubbornness is very much a part of his ingrained way of doing things.
He will make much growth when he is able to see the actions of others as reflections of his own subconscious!
From past incarnations, he has become accustomed to attuning himself to a peculiar brand of intensity, which when not allowed to express itself turns to anger. He has been deeply scarred with the pain of being hurt, and now like a wounded animal can be deadly to any who represent the slightest threat. On the lower levels of consciousness, individuals with these Nodes can pursue their prey with a personal vendetta. Then when the pieces fall, they appear to be the innocent victims, while they are in fact the carefully planned victors.
Due to the intense emotion constantly seeking expression, a variety of creative outlets are needed.
Sexual desire must be transmuted into Divine Love. All embittering conditions from past incarnations must be dropped from the consciousness until the new seed of peace is discovered. The Scorpio Ketu must burtn the bridges of the past and resolve to benefit from the lessons of Lot’s wife: ‘Never to look back!’
Through the Taurus Rahu, he must learn not to dissipate or waste in valueless areas all the power that flows through him. His greatest achievements in this life occur when through the development of a great love for the earth he lives on, he starts to appreciate glimpses of the source of his unfailing supply and support. For lifetimes he has misused his energy, his drives and his desires, feeling himself alone against all the oppressions and afflictions that affect mankind. Now through the sensitive impressions of his Taurus Rahu he is to be brought to the awareness that the abundance in the universe is so great that he will always have what he needs when he needs it. He must learn to distinguish the difference between the words ‘want’ and ‘need’, for although he may not always be able to realize what he wants, he is at every moment surrounded by all he needs!
As he reaches for his Taurus Rahu, he is reaching at last for stability. He can stop chasing all he has ever felt cheated of by seeing all that is now offered to him. Ultimately, he is destined in this life to reach a state of contentment as the seething volcanoes of Scorpio melt into the blue spirit waters of harmony in Taurus - where the beloved Gautama Buddha left his blessing. Truly this is the transition from lifetimes of war into a garden of peace.
The house position of the Ketu indicates the area of life where any remaining residue of the Scorpionic battles must be conquered, while the house position of the Rahu shows the area in life where the new awareness of trust and security can ultimately replace the underlying struggles.
Previous incarnation for this person was spent in many hidden or underground activities. Being a rebel against the normal life structure punished him to go through various stages before this present condition occurs. Distorted sexual abuse or misuse of power was noticed in the previous life-style. All this might or might not have been his own problem, but the company he kept in those years. In this lifetime, he just wants to take things very easily and enjoy life without creating many complications. His struggle to at least maintain his Karmic status and not go down any more is amazing to watch. He will try all his best to live nicely and comfortably; and anybody that would oppose his ideals will be dealt with quite vigorously but slightly underhandedly.
You have real hang-ups about earnings and resources. Your Scorpio Ketu may reply: ‘Yeah, but that’s because I’ve been ripped off so often. You just can’t trust people’. Your problem is that you haven’t built up your own resources.
Possible reasons: You don’t really know what you want. You resent other people’s personal or material success. You have sexual misconceptions, or misconceptions about material wealth. Maybe you were brought up to equate affection and caring with getting material things. On rare occasions, people with Ketu in Scorpio have a ‘you’ve got to be more crooked to make any money in this world’ philosophy. More often, there’s a tendency to make changes just for the sake of changing.
Possible solutions: Learn to enjoy both giving and receiving, whether the exchange involves affection, compliments, money or whatever. Develop a strong sense of personal values based on your own needs. Forget about morals, and do what you have to do.
Taurus Rahu generally has to be taught to value money and material goods. There’s often some sort of hang-up about the actual process of working - a dislike of any type of menial of manual labor, a refusal to prove your worth, an insistence on starting at the top, etc.. Sometimes there’s actually a contempt for money; other times, money is OK as long as you don’t have to have the hassle of working for it. occasionally there’s a ‘gimme’ fixation, while at other times there’s a ‘take-it’ fixation. Sometimes there’s an over-emphasis on sexual resources. And I’ve seen a few cases where total resources were invested in other-worldly pursuits - contacting the dead, attaining trance states, researching various paths leading towards spiritual evolution, etc.. Taurus Rahu has a hard time seeing the connection between development of his or her personal and material resources and being able to relate to others and to the material world in general. Depending on the overall chart, he or she takes a stance of total giving or total taking. Many Taurus Rahu's concentrate on one resource exclusively to the detriment of others, so that time, money, or sex etc. becomes the only means of barter available to them. When this resource is depleted, they no longer have anything to fall back on, and must either work to develop other resources or become totally dependent on others. Taurus Rahu also seems to be quite common in people who have suffered material, educational, or emotional deprivations in childhood.
The person with an overdeveloped Scorpio Ketu consciously or unconsciously exudes a strong sexuality; dislikes the outdoors; is in some way an extremist; sympathizes with the underdog and envies the successful without much thought of who deserves what; has little interest in other people’s resources unless he or she can benefit from them; dissipates a great deal of energy trying to alter circumstances beyond his or her control; resents needing others; has an unstable financial situation; feels entitled to criticize others; and will give a great deal, but usually attach strings to his / her gifts.
Rahu in Taurus wants money, or at least a reputation as a connoisseur. He or she wants the good things in life. He or she wants to be thought of as firm, patient, and lacking nothing. In contrast, the person is generally someone who’s undergone drastic changes of values or circumstance, intense discomfort of some sort, or traumatic experiences. His or her routine is periodically stirred up and shifted as a result of emotional upheavals or disturbances that are seemingly beyond his or her control. He or she tends to be jealous of others who seem to have attained more in life, and may develop a rather pessimistic attitude in terms of realizing his or her dreams. He or she may compensate for lack of material security by trying to possess people, or may compensate for emotional losses by developing a reclusive streak. These tendencies only serve to trigger more problems.
Antidotes for Taurus imbalance: Gardening seems to be a particularly good antidote for the impracticality that often accompanies an underdeveloped Rahu in Taurus. Cooking courses also prove helpful. The client should be encouraged to sing and listen to music. If manual dexterity is shown in the chart, the client should be encouraged to use it in making things. If there’s no manual dexterity shown, the client could be encouraged to build up a collection of something - biogrpahies, novels, gadgets, etc. - in an area of interest. Flower arranging could prove to be a useful antidote.
The client should be encouraged to avoid rushing and activities that create momentary excitement without contributing to future security.
Rahu in Taurus often has untapped artistic potential. Music, sewing, and painting are excellent outlets for these.
You may need to develop new personal values strong enough to become a life foundation. One difficulty is the Scorpio influence which, as part of its transformative effect, will undermine any foundations incapable of resisting its pressure. If the foundation collapses under pressure, at least you know it was inadequate and that a stronger value structure is required. Because you cannot avoid this unconscious subversive activity, you need perseverance to determine your life-style and personal values; eventually, though, you can successfully build a solid ‘structure’ and benefit from the struggle to do so.
You often seek pleasure in relationships that have ‘seeds of joy and pain’ from the beginning. Your choices are the key to which seeds will bear fruit, and they may often be unsuitable. If they remain unwise, try to understand why these relationship types attract you. It could simply be that you remain ignorant of your needs and lack insight into a partner’s real nature. Invariably, destructive seeds can be present; and, if they emerge through confusion, the Scorpionic energy is reasserted. If you remain ignorant of this, more opportunities can emerge for the Scorpio energy to undermine your actions and directions, as it seeks to drive you toward self-understanding. Learn how to respond to it as a wise friend helping you (although a little rough at times), and you will be able to use its power constructively to achieve your new objectives.
Periodic crises (turning / decision points) occur in your life, stimulated by this brooding inner revolution. Conflict is inevitable, especially in close and intimate family relationships. You are not always moderate, sometimes mistrusting others; and this can also lead to friction. You tend to scheme and manipulate, a trait often unconsciously projected onto others; and you see or imagine others doing the same to you. You self-create many of your problems. In communicating with others - perhaps unconsciously through words and actions - you manipulate or ‘force’ them to react in ways that then ‘confirm’ your prior perception. Once you observe this phenomenon, you can change, as you see how you can negatively influence your relationships and communication.
Due to your intensity, powerful feelings of anger and frustration develop when things are not going your way. You may tend to release these frustrations explosively at those closest to you. You need to find channels to release this potent energy creatively and positively. These can be difficult energies to handle correctly, yet one of their main uses is to resolve inner conflicts and dilemmas.
By learning to trust life and others more, and by distinguishing between needs and wants, you may discover that you are surrounded by all that you really need, although you have not recognized or appreciated this fact. You look for stability, but your choices and reactions will create either this or greater turmoil. Inner battles cease when conflict dissolves into the contentment of inner peace; and you actually can find this state. This depends on how you respond to inner struggle; if you seek self-understanding, the probability of finding a key to a positive future increases.
The fixed Earth sign, Taurus, follows Aries, and therefore its task is connected with what Aries does. Creative work adds to one’s resources, and increases the available capital.
Now in Taurus the task is to administer, to turn to account, and to use one’s resources. One must not use other people’s resources - that is something Scorpio can do, but not Taurus, because Taurus is on the left-hand or ‘I’-side of the chart, and Scorpio is on the right-hand or ‘You’-side.
In the ‘I’-region of the zodiac, our own assets rather than those of others are in play. It can lead to difficulties if Taurus tries to exploit the capital of others. This is a particular danger when the Node receives hard aspects.
Therefore it is important to turn our talents, abilities, and knowledge to account, and to place them at the disposal of others while still making use of them ourselves. Naturally, care must be taken to provide our own resources in the first place. Also, with the Node in Taurus, our task is to add to our assets, and to replenish them if necessary. If we simply draw on them - as it is so easy to do under hard aspects - eventually we shall have nothing left. Then we shall lie back unable to do anything further, because our energy is more or less spent. The native with the Node in Taurus must ensure this does not happen.
The Taurean is a very clever negotiator, and has an extremely economical outlook. He or she immediately discovers weak points, and is always intent on removing any imbalance that might lead to overspending. Steps are taken straight away to restore stability.
When the Node is in Taurus, we should husband our resources so as to avoid wasting our vital energies. The placement can also be an indication that we should look after our health, seeing that health is an essential part of our personal assets.

Details of Rahu in Pisces (Meen) and Ketu in Virgo (Kanya)

Rahu in Pisces gives vitality, and is a fortunate position for the children, epsecially when it is situated in the Fifth or Eleventh House. It is not, however, a guarantee of fidelity. Nevertheless, in spite of deceit, the home will remain stable, as the native possesses the family instinct. Rahu in Pisces helps in unexpected acquisition, especially from foreigners. It is also a sure sign of long journeys undertaken when least expected.
Ketu in Virgo is not favourable for things of the mind. It makes the native materialistic and unappreciative of beauty. He is inclined to analysis, which makes him judge everything according to its pecuniary value; everything is considered in terms of money; he may marry well, but it can hardly be other than a marriage of convenience. Progress will be difficult.
Rahu in Pisces implies the complete relinquishment of the self in service to others. Passion would become dispassion without losing compassion.
Ketu in Virgo shows the qualities of criticism and passing judgement must be left behind. They have been the cause of self-undoing in the past, and are still hidden in the subconscious motivations and need clearing.
In the realm of consciousness, this is the hardest Nodal position to deal with. Here, as aresult of many lifetimes, the individual starts to realize his own rigidity. He is aware of his patterns and how much they hurt him; yet he finds them difficult to let go of. In prior lives, he lived in the consciousness of a finite universe where all was well-structured. Now he is confronted with the realization that truth extends beyond what his finite senses can measure or even perceive.
He is unavoidably confronted with situations, circumstances and events which force him to relinquish his hold on the physical plane. Nevertheless, he still tries to live like the salmon - swimming against the current, regardless of the direction of nature’s forces.
He still seeks order. In fact, his need for strict regimentation is so strong that he develops medical troubles in the center of the body from personalizing a stiffness that increases tension on the inner organs. Constantly he suppresses desire for the sake of doing what seems proper, for he would like to maintin an image of respectability.
In past incarnations, he built his understanding on fact, not hearsay. Now he accepts only what comes from the ‘highest authority’.
He seeks ways to rid himself of the nervous irritability which keeps overcoming him, and yet he puts stipulations on the cure.
He must learn how to immerse himself in the waters of Cosmic Consciousness, and in this baptism of thought he can truly experience a new birth. Before he can do this, however, he must first overcome his karmic fear of living in a contaminated world.
He comes into this life believing that the world is filled with danger, and therefore constantly questions the credentials of the people and conditions he considers allowing into his life. Everything foreign to the self represents the threat of disease, and it is because of such thinking that from time to time disease actually occurs.
For many with these Nodes there is strong residue of sexual problems left over from former incarnations. Either a deprivation of the sexual experience, or a strong determination to avoid emotional hurt through it, leads them to seek a better understanding in the current life. Some are confirmed Puritans, while others are capable of being physically responsive and emotionally cold at the same time.
The mind is so analytical that life can easily slip into the manipulation of a chess game. This individual has a sharp eye for detail and never overlooks the obvious. He is an expert at solving puzzles, willing to spend many hours tediously groping for the tiniest answer; but he can get so involved with whatever he is doing that he often loses perspective. His past-life discriminating tendencies often lead him now to pick apart what should be left together. Thus, although he is capable of immense clarity of thought, he does not experience complete peace of mind.
Through the Pisces Rahu, he must learn Faith. When he stops separating the world into neat little compartments, he will get his first glimpses of Universal Consciousness. Ultimately he is to achieve the understanding that all is one, and one is all. Before this happens, he must learn how to stop seeing himself as separate from the rest of the world.
He will go through experiences which force him to grow more compassionate.
As he starts to find his well-laid plans dissolving to nothing, he begins to see others in a different light. Ultimately he symbolically goes through the pain of the entire universe so that he can strengthen his Divine Love to the point that he absolutely refuses to pass judgement on others.
He makes much progress by acquainting himself with the spiritual way of life. His growth extends as far as his arms can reach. While the arm of the past still clutches at his self-imposed restrictions, the arm of his future is grasping for the higher alternative. It is only his failure to let go completely that prevents him from achieving the perfect transition into the full state of higher mind. Yet, he does reach the point that he occasionally sees it.
From time to time his remarkable intuition reveals to him the mysterious essence of life; yet the past incarnation memories of his Virgoan practicality cause doubt at every point. And so, half way between one world and another, these mutable Nodes are in a constant state of change.
Arriving at his destination but not sure that he is there, he keeps going back to start his journey again. Each time, he reaches one step more into the infinite, where ultimately he will dissolve the shackles of his rigidly formed past and be born again as true Spirit.
The house position of the Ketu indicates the area of life that is still too rigidly embedded in a personally overstructured idea. The house position of the Rahu shows how the soul can renounce its grip on all rigid definition of form and structure so that it can be free to swim in the Ocean of God.
Previous incarnation for this person was spent in substantial discriminating condition. He was very methodical, and detail-oriented to a point of extreme. Instincts would not even get close to him at that time. In this life, he is full of instincts and ‘feelings’. He wants to get away from materialism and practicality. He is searching the universe through his sensitivity; and if he feels right, he acts accordingly. His decision may not be logical on the surface, but he does not care in that respect. His judgements may not have proper reasoning but they do work right for him. Dealing with people and their emotions is important for him, as he likes the exchange of feelings in that material world to keep him happy. His use of imagination and unusual idealogy is really amazing.
You must learn to sacrifice, give in, or give up. Your Virgo Ketu may reply ‘Yeah, but I have too much invested’.
Your problem is lack of understanding of need priorities.
Possible reasons: Excessive stubbornness. Fear of being taken advantage of. Self-destructive tendencies. Refusal to face the fact that some problems are difficult to solve totally. An excessively critical environment makes it hard to admit defeat. Guilt over past wrong-doing or failures.
Possible solutions: Learn to relax. Temper your analystic tendencies with compassion for yourself and others. Judge people and things by their usefulness and set your priorities accordingly.
Virgo Ketu often doesn’t enjoy his or her own company. This naturally affects his or her ability to enjoy relationships, since the self is always present. Virgo Ketu doesn’t feel human; he or she operates like a well-run machine. Not all Virgo Ketus are workaholics, but I’ve seen enough instances to believe that htis is one of the more typical results of nodal imbalance for this polarity. Another is an involvement in unsatisfying or destructive relationships, since often the Virgo Ketur is so terrified of being alone that any relationship is better than no relationship. By tapping the hidden strength of Pisces Rahu, the individual can get in touch with his or her basic humanness. Only then can he or she come to terms with his or her needs and alleviate his or her dissatisfaction.
Some signs of an over-developed Ketu in Virgo are: bigotry; refusal to settle for anything less than perfect; a feeling of being ‘different’; a tendency to test others mentally; a ‘let me do it for you’ approach; shyness; jealousy; a tendency to be critical of others’ grooming, clothing or abilities in general; pettiness; and insecurity - building oneself up by knocking others down openly or through back-stabbing.
Rahu in Pisces dreams of being left alone. He or she wants to be separated from the mass of average people so that he or she will be free to meditate or contemplate the mysteries of life. Note that they want to initiate this separation themselves; if rejection brings separation, he or she will feel trauma rather than satisfaction. This person is inhibited or shy, and sometimes inclined to repress the emotions, which may be extremely difficult to express. Fussiness or quibbling supplants the desired meditation and thwarts the dream.
Antidotes for Pisces imbalance: Psychodrama can be a useful tool in unlocking nodal potential. Education in keeping with the client’s aptitudes is recommended, with literature, geography and medicine being ideal choices where aptitude permits. Fishing and other water sports often prove beneficial. Public speaking should be encouraged. If aptitude is shown, magic or creating illusions, painting, sculpture, boating or water sports could be a good topic. Writing is also good particularly in the areas of astronomy, myths or legends, poetry, instructional material, nurturing themes, and medicine. Hypnotism might be another good choice if the client can gain sufficient knowledge in this field.
Unless the overall tone of the chart is contradictory, the client should be discouraged from entering any profession where the overall emphasis is on strict discipline or nit-picking, since this would reinforce the very tendencies that need to be softened or balanced. Discipline can be given a bit more emphasis if the client is operating in an entertainment capacity. Some good career choices would be: sales, cooking, acrobatics, gymnastics, detective work, painting and design. Generally, the clients I’ve met with these types of imbalance have been hard workers - close to workaholics in some cases. Usually they need relaxation more than work motivation. If the client is in a high-pressure job or required to work long hours, it’s important that the antidote be something that’s done for the love of it and is conducive to relaxation. Religious and spiritual activities often prove to be helpful antidotes. Many clients who remain unmoved by other options will be drawn to these.
You may experience a tendency toward rigid, repetitive behavior patterns and fixed mental attitudes; the Virgo Ketu house may indicate the likely nature of this rigidity.
Trying to retain fixed responses in a changing life and world will eventually feel limiting and restrictive, even though it is an automatic set of reactions activated during daily life. You recognize that your responses are not often spontaneous or free, but are habitual and predictable. the challenge is how to become free of these binding personality patterns. You may fear breaking free, not knowing how to respond without these protective barriers, as you rely on whtm to create a sense of security.
What may occur is a sense of confrontations and experiences where your preference for structure and order becomes steadily undermined or is revealed as inadequate. Through a shifting life situation, your rigid responses may be revealed as unsuitable to cope with challenges, and you may slowly awaken to the need to radically change self-perception, attitudes, values, and beliefs.
Sometimes you feel that the world is a threatening place, and you hold mixed feelings about people, too. Part of this comes from insecurity. Afraid to relax your guard, you establish protective barriers which keep a distance between yourself, painful experiences, and intimate relationships. By generating this separative barrier and maintaining restrictive behavior patterns, you may also be self-creating states of dis-ease and health problems associated with the center of your body. If you lack trust in life, you can increase tension and stress emerging from psychological needs for caution and rigid order. This may eventually cause actual physical disease or psychosomatic illness, which can then reinforce beliefs that the world is an unhealthy place in which to live, since you fail to realize that it is probably your attitude which contributes to your ill-health.
You need to accept your whole nature, so that any repressive tendencies do not create additional inner conflicts and tensions. One vulnerable area could be the relationship between emotions and sexuality. This may be influenced by your moral views and attitudes toward sexual relationships. You may feel uneasy with emotions, perhaps tending to withdraw emotionally from intimacy and refusing to become too involved in relationships due to fears of emotional pain. If this occurs, self-understanding and transforming emotional responses would be necessary.
Your Virgoan preference for seperative mental analysis may become limiting, forming a veil of excessive seriousness over your worldview and destroying a sense of proportion and perception of underlying humor in life. Any analytical, dissective approach can work against you, as you observe the pieces of the puzzle but are unable to comprehend the whole picture; if you become too involved with the separate pieces, you may also lose the prospect of peace of mind, as the rearranging never ceases.
It is by your attuning to the Pisces Node that lessons of trust and faith may be learned. Any recurring behavior pattern of separating and categorizing life into a multitude of fragmaents and attempting to order it into sections should be transcended. Life is a whole, and you are interdependent with the world. There is no real separation. Life is one. This is the true understanding that gives peace of mind. This is the mystical experience that can be yourse when you cease separating yourself from life and begin to reflect the Piscean vision. The impetus for this change may be the collapse of your plans for an ordered life; this is a message to search for a unifying life approach, one which connects the pieces instead of emphasizing their separateness. You can then discover greater life meaning and purpose, rather than splitting your mind and emotions into restless pieces. For this proposed radical change, you have to release the past in order to experience a unified mind at one with the world. This is the Piscean gift that is waiting for you to claim.
As the mutable Water sign, Pisces is subject to a learning process, i.e., it is very important to be ready to learn. In Pisces, learning is not intellectual comprehension as in Gemini, nor is it practical as in Virgo, and it is not philosophical as in Sagittarius; it is an inner, existential learning on the spot, and has to do with the meaning of life.
This Node impels us to ask about the meaning of life whatever the answer may be. The answer will not remain the same all along: fresh truths will be discovered as we mature.
A hard-aspected Node can indicate an attitude of sitting on the fence, which allows the native to jump either way. But, more usefully, the Pisces Node seeks a conscious way inward; it endeavors to deal with the world from a distance, expects nothing from the world, but tries to fathom its real meaning. Detachment is also sought in the transcendental sense: the development of individual consciousness beyond the normal confines in order to extend it into spiritual dimensions where the sense of being is deeper. In this way, one’s development can be furthered.
In Pisces, the native thinks and feels in cosmic dimensions, especially when meeting other people. The business of Pisces is to help, or rather to save others. Now, the saving done by Pisces differs from the practical help given by Virgo. Saving implies that the other person feels that his or her deepest motivations are understood. Saving means letting the other person know that his or her existence is recognized. Pisces is very good at this. Understanding the significance of the world and oneself as parts of the Whole, and saving others, is the highest task of the Piscean Node.

Tuesday 11 August 2015


What is Darakaraka ?
What is the Significance of Darakaraka ?
What is the generic effect of Darakaraka ?
What is the Specific effect of Darakaraka ?


What is Gnatikaraka ?
What is the Significance of Gnatikaraka ?
What is the generic effect of Gnatikaraka ?
What is the Specific effect of Gnatikaraka ?


What is Putrakaraka ?
What is the Significance of Putrakaraka ?
What is the generic effect of Putrakaraka ?
What is the Specific effect of Putrakaraka ?


What is Matrukaraka ?
What is the Significance of Matrukaraka ?
What is the generic effect of Matrukaraka ?
What is the Specific effect of Matrukaraka ?


What is Bhratrukaraka ?
What is the Significance of Bhratrukaraka ?
What is the generic effect of Bhratrukaraka ?
What is the Specific effect of Bhratrukaraka ?


What is Amatyakaraka ?
The planet that decides the Career and close accomplices. It is the planet in your birth chart which attains the second highest degree in your birth chart or the graha obtaining the second highest longitude is called Amatyakaraka. It signifies the mind. Its role is that of a Minister who guides the king. It is the Amatyakaraka who guides the destiny of the person towards attainment of the desires of the atma. Being the protector of the soul, the palanadevata (the deity who sustains oneself in this world) is seen from the 6th from the Amatyakaraka in the Navamsa.
What is the Significance of Amatyakaraka ?
The Amatyakarka planet is often associated with the profession. Apart  from this, the Amatyakarka planet is also associated with wealth and education. If the Atmakaraka is afflicted, then the person might face troubles related to all these three fields. If the Atmakaraka is strong, then the person will face less difficulties in life and will grow consistently.
The Amatyakarka is the Karaka planet of second house, fifth house, ninth house and tenth house. We can analyse family from second house, education and wealth from fifth house, fortune from ninth house and profession from tenth house. Journeys to a foreign country can also be analysed by the ninth house. The tenth house is also used to analyse authority and sovereignty.
All these fields can be analysed by the position of Amatyakaraka in the Kundali. The auspicious results are obtained when the Amatyakaraka is strong. The auspicious results are reduced in number when it is weak.

What is the generic effect of Amatyakaraka ?

The amatyakaraka works quite differently and shows karma yoga. The Amatyakaraka takes the responsibility of feeding the Atmakaraka and therefore shows whom the Atma is dependant on in this birth. The specific form which feeds the atma is the Palana Devata (sixth from amatyakaraka in navamsa) and is the form of the mother (moon).
In Jyotish to understand the mother/moon better we must understand the udu dasas. Specifically the Vimshottari dasa relates to our sustenance in soceity and community and should be used for reference.
Here a cycle of dependency needs to be understood and if we count in order beginning from Krittka nakshatra, in modules of three, we get the following order of lordships:
1st 2nd 3rd
Sun Moon Mars
Rahu Jupiter Saturn
Mercury Ketu Venus
With this we get three working-classes of society. The upper class ruled by the politicians (sun), business men (mercury) and organized crime or unions (rahu).
The middle class ruled by public servants (moon), teachers and instructors (jupiter) and the priests and mystics (Ketu).
The lower class are the blue-collar workers, or those who have to exert brawns rather than brains (Saturn), the security force including police and military (Mars) and the entertainment sector who wish to attract and capture the minds of the public (Venus).
These class-divisions do not speak of the financial standing of those in them.
Now, as a start you can expect to find that the natives amatyakaraka is associated with one of the three grahas indicating the working-class of the native. I.e. in the chart supplied Mars is the amatyakaraka and receives the rasi dristi of both Moon and Ketu which belong to the middle class and academical sector.
Coming to the dependencies we can refine our understanding of the chart. A politician (Sun) is dependent on the unions (used to be organized crime - Rahu) to get votes. Therefore to be a politician one needs Rahu associated with Amatyakaraka - not Sun. Similarly businessmen (Mercury) depend on the laws made by the politicians (Sun) and therefore Sun has to be associated with the Amatyakaraka of a good businessmen. Knowing this you can draw a triangular dependency diagram.
Sanyasis (Ketu) will have Moon associated with their Amatyakaraka, public servants (Moon) will have Jupiter associated with their Amatyakaraka and finally teachers (Jupiter) will have Ketu associated with their amatyakaraka as per this principle.
In the attached chart of the professor, we did indeed find Ketu having rasi dristi on the Amatyakaraka promoting the academical profession.
Raja-sambandha yoga: If the tenth house/lord or the Atmakaraka associates with the Amatyakaraka then the native will associate with the topmost people in their field and be succesful in this.

Authors comment: Check if a graha is associated with both the Amatyakaraka and the Atmakaraka/Tenth house. The profession of that graha as outlined above will surely give success.

What is the Specific effect of Amatyakaraka ?